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GuanYin/Avalokisarva’s Enlightenment Celebration
October 21, 2024
GuanYin/Avalokisarva’s Enlightenment Celebration 12 / 20 – 12 / 21 / 2024
This is the day of Guanyin/Avalokiteshvara观音 Bodhisattva’s attainment of Buddhahood, Avalokiteshvara achieved ultimate enlightenment and entered the state of Anuttarā Samyaksaṃbodhi阿耨多罗三藐三菩提, becoming the Tathagata of Right Dharma Illumination, known as “Right Dharma Illumination Tathagata.正法明如来” Subsequently, he chose to return in the guise of a bodhisattva, driven by his vows to traverse the Sahā world娑婆世界 and universally save all sentient beings.
The Right Dharma Illumination Tathagata is a primordial Buddha among ancient Buddhas. His teachings and influence have been boundless and immeasurable, extending from time immemorial to the present across countless galaxies in the Dharma universe. He has cultivated innumerable Bodhisattvas Mahasattvas 菩萨摩诃萨 to achieve Buddhahood, serving as the teacher of Tathagatas in all directions.
“Right Dharma Illumination Tathagata,” in his mission to liberate sentient beings from the ocean of suffering, embarked on the path of cause while bearing the fruit, and reversed the journey on the compassionate ship. He became Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva. On one hand, he manifested in billions of forms, liberating beings across all realms and paths. He appeared everywhere without limit, embodying the bodhisattva who responds to a thousand calls in a thousand places – the ultimate savior in countless lands.